Here to Help You Get Life Back On Track

Were You Injured in a Car Accident?

A serious car accident in Seattle causes not only physical limitations, but also setbacks in your personal life, from relationships to employment. When faced with these difficulties, you deserve full and fair compensation. You deserve the help of a Seattle, Everett or Tacoma car accident attorney, so you can have the means to begin the healing process.

An experienced lawyer can help you deal with the legal concerns following your wreck so you can focus on getting better and getting life back to normal. They will look at the facts from every angle and determine the maximum compensation you are able to recover. They will serve as your advocate, protecting your rights at every stage of the legal process.

Car Accident Lawyers in Seattle with Decades of Combined Experience Throughout Western Washington

At the Dubin Law Group, our Seattle car accident lawyers provide skilled, vigorous representation for car accident victims and families that have lost a loved one in a fatal car accident. Seattle car accident lawyer Matthew D. Dubin has more than 25 years of experience in personal injury law, and the attorneys of the Dubin Law Group combine for over 100 years of experience. They are passionate about helping injured people and holding negligent parties accountable.

To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss your injuries, please call 206-800-8000. Our attorneys make home and hospital visits and serve clients across the State of Washington.

Let Our Car Accident Attorneys Do the Work

If you suffered whiplash, broken bones, back injuries, herniated disk or other serious injuries in a car accident, you need to focus on your health, not the law. Our car accident lawyers in Seattle strive to free our clients from worrying about the legal aspects of an accident. Let us deal with hassles over insurance disputes, doctors’ bills and auto repairs.

Over the last 25 years, car accident attorney Matthew D. Dubin and the attorneys of the Dubin Law Group have helped thousands of clients obtain fair settlements and favorable verdicts. Matt and our team of Seattle car accident attorneys know how to investigate accident scenes, interview witnesses and build strong cases.

We Can Fight For the Full Damages You Deserve

Whether your case can be resolved through negotiation or can only be resolved in court, we have the knowledge and skill to help you get the compensation you need and deserve. We can help you pursue car accident damages for:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Lost wages and lost future earnings
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement
  • Emotional pain and lost services (companionship, parenting)
  • Property damage and deductibles

If your child was injured in a car accident, there are special considerations to discuss. Child injuries are different, and we know how to handle them.

Car Accidents and Insurance Issues in Washington

Dealing with auto insurance can be one of the most stressful parts of a car accident case. There are many nuances to how insurance coverages come into play.

Getting Adequate Medical Coverage (PIP)

Your initial medical bills are covered by your own PIP (no-fault) insurance. If your insurer balks at covering your expenses, our attorneys can step in to make sure the company fulfills its obligations. The insurance company can require an independent medical exam by its own doctor, in which case an employee of our firm may accompany you to keep the doctor honest.

Don’t Get Stuck With the Blame For the Crash

Liability in Washington is based on who was at fault for causing the crash. Often police officers are more focused on making sure everyone is safe than on determining fault. Both insurance companies will likely also conduct their own investigations, but they can be biased and self-serving.

Having an experienced car accident lawyer on your side early in the process can help make sure the investigation is done properly. At the Dubin Law Group, we often retain an independent investigator to interview witnesses, review the scene and the damage to the vehicles, and examine all other relevant evidence.

Let Us Protect Your Rights When Talking to Insurers

When you contact car crash attorney Matthew D. Dubin, we will advocate for you in discussions with your insurance company. Do not give a statement to your insurance company without an attorney on your side. The insurance company may prevent your recovery if you make one wrong statement. Our law firm knows how to protect your rights after an accident and preserve your personal injury insurance claim.

Dangerous Roads and Intersections in the Seattle Area

According to data from the Washington State Patrol, these are some of the deadliest roads in the SeaTac area:

  • Aurora Avenue (SR-99)
  • The I-5 express lanes
  • Pacific Highway
  • SR-181
  • SR-167

Some of the most dangerous intersections include:

  • Pike Street and Boren Avenue downtown
  • Sixth Avenue and James Street downtown
  • Holgate Street and Fourth Avenue in Sodo
  • Rainier Avenue and S Walden Street in Mt. Baker
  • Rainier Avenue S and 23rd Ave S in North Beacon Hill
  • Thomas Street and Dexter Avenue N in South Lake Union
  • Lake City Way NE and NE 130th Street in Lake City

Of course, accidents can happen anywhere, but these roads and intersections are particularly hazardous based on the number of accidents that happen there.

Common Causes of Seattle Car Accidents

Drunk driving is a leading cause of car accidents in Seattle, especially fatal accidents. It’s tragic that so many people get behind the wheel while intoxicated and end up causing significant harm to innocent people.

Other frequent causes of car accidents include:

  • Speeding – Exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for the road conditions
  • Not paying attention – Inattentive driving, distracted driving and texting while driving
  • Breaking traffic rules – Failing to signal turns, making improper lane changes and tailgating

Mechanical issues such as brake failure or blown tires can also contribute to serious accidents.

Frequently Asked Questions About Seattle Auto Accidents

After an accident, it’s normal to have a million questions. You’ve probably never been in an accident before. Navigating the legal impacts of an accident can be daunting.

Here are answers to common questions we hear about car accidents in the Seattle area.

What should I do after an accident?

At the scene of the accident and immediately afterward, take these steps to protect yourself:

  1. Stay safe at the accident scene: Leave the car where the accident occurred unless it is unsafe to do so. If you cannot leave your car where the accident happened, safely pull to the side of the road and remain in your car after an accident. Additional injuries can occur if precautions are not taken after an accident.
  2. Call the police: Contact emergency personnel right away after an accident. The police will take statements and preserve evidence and witnesses. If the police refuse to come out because the accident was in a private parking lot or there were no injuries, get the insurance information, address and phone number from the other driver, as well as contact information for any witnesses.
  3. Seek medical attention for your injuries: Go to the emergency room, if necessary, or see your primary care physician as soon as possible after an accident regardless of whether your injuries are serious injuries or minor injuries.
  4. Contact the Dubin Law Group: Speak to a Seattle car crash lawyer who will protect your rights after an accident. Attorney Dubin focuses on the details of the accident so that you can focus on your recovery.

What kinds of documentation should I keep?

Thorough documentation is a critical part of any car accident case. Make sure you keep invoices, bills and receipts for all of your accident-related expenses, including medical care. You should also keep track of days you’ve missed work and lost income due to the accident.

Hang onto any insurance documents and notices you receive. When you work with us, you can entrust all of these documents to us so you don’t have to keep track of them all.

What steps can I take to preserve evidence from my car accident case?

After a car accident, it’s important to take steps to preserve evidence that will be critical to your claim against your insurance company and the other driver. Try to obtain:

  • Photos of both cars, even if you take them on your cellphone
  • Photos of visible injuries, such as bruising, fractures and back injuries

Additionally, consider keeping a daily journal of your pain and injuries. You can record your level of pain each day (from 1 to 10) and make notes about how the pain or injuries are affecting your daily life, including your social engagements, work schedule, household chores and relationship with family members.

These items can play a big role in proving your case and getting you a solid financial recovery.

What pitfalls should I avoid?

It’s easy to make costly mistakes when dealing with auto accident claims. Some of the most common pitfalls include:

  • Not calling the police at the accident scene
  • Failing to get contact information for the other drivers
  • Admitting fault, whether at the accident scene or when dealing with insurance adjusters
  • Giving a recorded statement to the insurance adjuster
  • Accepting an initial lowball settlement offer from the insurance company
  • Not keeping detailed records
  • Failing to follow through on medical treatment recommendations
  • Missing deadlines associated with the auto accident claim
  • Not getting an attorney

Enlisting a proven Seattle car accident lawyer is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself through the process.

How is fault determined in Seattle car accident cases?

Fault plays a big role in auto accident cases. However, it’s not always clear who was at fault.

When determining fault, insurance adjusters will look at:

  • Police reports
  • Any photos from the scene
  • Traffic cam footage
  • Witness statements
  • Statements from all of the parties involved

Because it’s so easy to admit fault even if you weren’t truly at fault in the accident, it’s important to talk with a lawyer before giving any kind of statement to the insurance company.

Our lawyers have the investigative capabilities and resources to gather further evidence of fault. That might involve gathering opinions from accident reconstruction experts, conducting more detailed interviews with eyewitnesses and taking a more thorough approach to reviewing the physical evidence.

What if I was partly at fault for the accident?

Washington is a comparative fault state, which means even if you are partially at fault for causing the collision, you may be entitled to compensation. For example, if a jury determines that your injuries are worth $100,000 but you were 20% at fault for causing the collision, you could still recover $80,000 at trial.

What if the other driver doesn’t have insurance?

If the other driver is uninsured, underinsured or flees the scene, our car accident lawyers in Seattle can help you recover compensation from your own insurance company, if you have the right coverage. These are called uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) claims.

Insurance companies are often reluctant to pay out under UM/UIM policies. We will make sure the insurance company doesn’t shortchange you.

Will I have to go to court?

Not every car accident case goes to court. In many cases, we can obtain favorable settlements outside of court that will provide the compensation you need without the delays and headaches of trial.

What’s the deadline for a car accident case in Seattle?

In Washington, you have three years from the date of the accident to pursue a car accident claim. However, you shouldn’t wait that long. The sooner you get legal help, the sooner you can secure the financial recovery you need.

Waiting too long can also make it challenging to gather the right evidence and build a strong case.

How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?

At the Dubin Law Group, we represent all of our clients on a contingency fee. That means we don’t get paid unless you win. The consultation is absolutely free, and after you hire us, there are no out-of-pocket expenses. If you’ve been injured and it was someone else’s fault, you might be entitled to compensation. Contact the Dubin Law Group 24/7. Our team represents clients throughout Seattle and the Puget Sound area, including Bellevue, Everett, Tacoma, and other communities in King County, Snohomish County, and Pierce County.

Contact a Seattle Car Accident Lawyer Today

To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your car accident with a dedicated Seattle car accident lawyer, call 206-800-8000. You can also contact our law office online. Mr. Dubin makes home and hospital visits when needed.

Our car accident attorneys handle all personal injury cases on a contingent-fee basis, meaning you will pay no attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.