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Were You Injured on Someone’s Property Because of Negligence

There’s the type of fall where the only thing hurt is your pride. And then there’s genuine slip and fall accidents that cause serious, even permanent injury. If you suffered a severe slip, trip, or fall because of a property owner’s negligence, contact the Dubin Law Group about a possible claim for damages.

Seattle Lawyers for Premises Liability Claims

Our Seattle premises liability attorneys represent slip and fall victims and dog bite victims throughout King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. Our premises liability lawyers will aggressively investigate and pursue compensatory damages for fractures and broken bones, neck and back injuries, head injury, disfigurement, or other harm.

Types of Premises Liability Lawsuits

Property owners (businesses, homeowners, or government entities) have a duty to provide a safe environment for people on their premises. Experienced Seattle premises liability attorney Matthew D. Dubin has recovered compensation for clients in a range of cases:

  • Slip and fall on wet floors (supermarkets, retail stores)
  • Broken or poorly constructed sidewalks, stairs, railings
  • Escalator defects
  • Animal attacks
  • Toxic or hazardous substances
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Snow and ice
  • Inadequate security (robbery, rape, assault)

Investigating Seattle Premises Liability Claims

We respond quickly to obtain and preserve evidence of negligence and interview witnesses. Grocery stores, for example, usually keep a log of how often they clean the aisles. If the slip and fall happened immediately after a spill, the owner may not be liable. If they had neglected a leaking cooler, ignored a known hazard or failed to keep the log current, you may have a case.

Contact a Premises Liability Lawyer Today!

Victims with a solid claim can collect for medical expenses and future treatment, lost wages, permanent injury, and pain and suffering. Most businesses carry general liability insurance (CGL), and the Dubin Law Group can usually obtain payment for reasonable accident-related bills, often without proving liability.

Call 206-800-8000 or use our personal injury intake form to set up a free consultation. We are ready to support you in a claim for compensation if you have been diagnosed with cancer or other serious health problems after serving at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina between the 1950s and the 1980s.