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Were You Injured In An Accident Involving A Semi Truck?

An accident involving a semi truck can be truly devastating, even at low speeds. Seattle truck accident victims are suddenly faced with mounting medical bills, calls from insurance adjusters and uncertainty about the future. Fortunately, an experienced Seattle truck accident attorney can provide some sense of calm and let you focus on your health.

Truck Accident Lawyers In Seattle

At the Dubin Law Group, we are passionate about protecting the rights of those injured in truck accidents in Seattle. For more than 20 years, Seattle truck accident attorney Matthew D. Dubin has focused exclusively on personal injury law. He is a highly skilled negotiator and an aggressive trial lawyer who has achieved positive results for hundreds of clients. When you come to our firm, your case will be handled by Mr. Dubin, an experienced truck accident attorney.

To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Seattle truck accident lawyer, please call 206-800-8000. You can also contact our law firm online. Mr. Dubin makes home and hospital visits.

How Truck Accidents Happen

The trucking industry is heavily regulated by both the federal and state governments. Truckers and truck companies must follow very specific rules designed to protect the public and help avoid accidents. These cases can quickly become complex, requiring a Seattle trucking accident lawyer who understands these rules. At our firm, we investigate all possible causes of truck accidents, such as:

  • Possible driver fatigue
  • Falsified logbooks indicating the driver had spent less time on the road than he or she really had
  • Speeding
  • Improper truck maintenance
  • Improperly loaded or secured cargo
  • Inadequate driver training
  • Negligent hiring by the trucking company
  • Locating and coordinating insurance coverages of multiple companies

Frequently Asked Questions About Trucking Accidents

Below are some frequently asked questions about truck accidents and legal claims resulting from these dangerous and all too common events. At the bottom of the page, you can request a free consultation to discuss your possible claim.

Should I hire an attorney in my truck accident case?

Truck accident cases can be difficult and complicated. If certain steps aren’t taken right away, your ability to make a full recovery for your loss may be compromised. Hiring a Seattle truck accident attorney early in the process will help you make sure that all of the proper information is obtained and that your rights are protected. When you do hire an attorney, make sure they have experience handling truck cases, and that they know how these cases differ from car accident cases. Hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer, like those at the Dubin Law Group will provide you with the peace of mind that every necessary step is being taken to protect you and your family.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit in a trucking case?

All cases in Washington are subject to a statute of limitations, which requires that a lawsuit be filed within a certain time following the accident. Depending on the circumstances of the case, this period could vary. It is important that you consult with a truck accident attorney knowledgeable in truck accident cases as soon as possible following the accident.

What kind of damages can I recover in a truck accident case?

Just as with a car accident case, victims of a truck accident may recover the cost of their medical bills, lost earnings and other expenses. In addition, a truck accident victim may make a recovery for pain, emotional distress, disability, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment of life, damage to family relationships and impaired future earnings. In the case of a death caused by a truck accident, the family may recover for the pain and suffering of their family member before his death, as well as loss of emotional support, love affection and care, and in certain cases, loss of economic support.

Is an expert witness necessary in a truck accident case?

Expert witnesses can be helpful in nearly every case, but they are especially important in truck accident cases. An expert witness can establish violations in safety inspections and driving logs. An expert witness can also help establish how the accident happened in cases where the trucking company is disputing liability.

What kind of investigation is necessary in a truck accident case?

An experienced truck accident lawyer will immediately take steps to obtain the truck driver’s log to make sure that it was properly kept and that the driver was observing limitations on driving hours when the accident took place. It is also important to obtain information when investigating a truck accident claim regarding the maintenance history of the vehicle and the driving record of the driver. This information can be challenging to discover if not obtained right away, and the information discovered could be essential to getting you a full recovery for your injuries.

What should I do immediately after being involved in a truck accident?

If you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck, you should follow the same steps outlined in our car accident FAQ: Call the police, gather information, take photographs and seek medical attention. Do not speak to the truck’s insurance company before consulting with a qualified Seattle truck accident attorney.

How is a truck accident different from a car accident?

Most commercial trucks are required to carry higher levels of insurance. That means truck accident cases may be much bigger than the typical car accident case. Truck drivers are also subject to regulations that don’t apply to drivers of private vehicles. Drivers are subject to limits on the hours they can drive and are required to keep a log of their hours. Trucking companies are required to perform background checks on their drivers, and must perform periodic re-evaluations. Drivers are also subject to testing for drugs and alcohol.

Pursuing Full Compensation Following A Commercial Truck Accident

Unfortunately, the major forces in a semi-truck crash often lead to death or catastrophic injuries. Our truck accident lawyers work with life care planners, economists, vocational rehabilitation specialists, surgeons and other professionals to secure full compensation for:

  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Broken bones

If you lost a loved one in a truck accident, we will help you pursue a wrongful death claim against the responsible party. Though no amount of money can replace what you have lost, it can at least give you some means to moving forward after the fatal truck accident.

Contact A Truck Accident Lawyer Today!

To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your truck accident with a dedicated Seattle truck accident lawyer, call 206-800-8000. You can also contact our law office online. Mr. Dubin makes home and hospital visits when needed.

We handle all personal injury cases on a contingent fee basis, meaning you will pay no attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.